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Our Location

Seattle, WA

Meet The Team

M. Angela Castañeda


Ms. Castañeda is a bilingual organizer for cultural and community development, a program/project management consultant for multiple nonprofits, and a life-long learner with social justice values.

She can be reached at

Adi Maxwell

Fiscal Administrator

Adi has served as Fiscal Administrator for BBA since 2014. Ms. Maxwell is the owner of Keolara LLC, a financial consulting company that serves nonprofit and for profit clients. 

She can be reached at

Photo of BBA Staff, Jenny Ap

Jenny Ap

Community Outreach Advocate

Jenny has served the greater Seattle area for over three decades, supporting families and entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds and helping community-based organizations to achieve more equitable access to resources.


She can be reached at

Image of BBA Staff Member

Agueda Pacheco Flores

Media and Communications Manager

As a freelance writer, Agueda brings a distinct perspective to her work — she is both an undocumented immigrant born in Mexico and a life-long Seattleite. Agueda will support BBA with storytelling, social media, and help build relationships between the community and media landscape.

She can be reached at

Want to get involved?

It’s easy to become a member!

Paid members are given organizational voting rights, included in group marketing efforts, listed on the website, informed of all meetings and any unique marketing opportunities. 

Send an email to 


For people who love Beacon Hill’s ethnic, social, and economic diversity, Beacon Business Alliance promotes the neighborhood, connects stakeholders, and more.
