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(+62) 8152 254 239

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Neighborhood Planning

These are publicly available documents that are relevant to the current situation on Beacon Hill. We will add more as they become available, or as recommended.


An action plan matrix developed the the city as part of our 2011 neighborhood plan update.

2011 Urban Design Framework

This document includes concept plans for Beacon Avenue, a town center concept plan, the legal resolution adopting the plan, and a full copy of the 2011 neighborhood plan update.  It represents the most recent work the city has done in neighborhood planning for Beacon Hill.

North Beacon Hill Design Guidelines

Beacon Hill’s design guidelines, adopted in 2006 and updated in 2013.  While not codified into law, the design guidelines set parameters used by the Design Review Board to make their recommendations.

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For people who love Beacon Hill’s ethnic, social, and economic diversity, Beacon Business Alliance promotes the neighborhood, connects stakeholders, and more.

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